Janice and Jessica Spray
Thursday, May 7, 2009 The mother-daugter duo

Jessica Spray is a 13-year old Honor student at Newport High School. Jessica started CrossFit last year with her mom. Before that Jessica was a competitive gymnast at Gymnastics East. Jessica now focuses her time solely on CrossFit and the results are extraordinary. Jessica weighs just 105 lbs and has a CrossFit total of over 500lbs. Jessica holds the CrossFit Bellevue Ladies record for "Fran" with a time of 3:02 and is right behind her mother with a Helen time of 8:12. Jessica has also done a scaled "Grace" of 80lbs under at 2:50. The future is scary for all of us if Jessica continues to make the progress she has already shown. Her goal is to smash all her big brothers Daniel's times. He is the stud of the family but unfortunately cannot compete because of travel Baseball commitments.

Janice Spray is a 44 year old graduate of the University of Washingtonand a Certified Level-1 CF trainer. Janice graduated with honors with a degree in education. Janice and her husband have been married for almost 20 years and they are the loving parents of three extraordinary CF Kids. Janice has been doing CrossFit for just over 8 months and has become the person to beat at CrossFit Bellevue. Janice has a "Fran" time of 3:30, "Helen" at 8:10 and "Grace" at 3:45. Janice does all this at a without even breaking the 100lb weight class

Janice Spray is a 44 year old graduate of the University of Washingtonand a Certified Level-1 CF trainer. Janice graduated with honors with a degree in education. Janice and her husband have been married for almost 20 years and they are the loving parents of three extraordinary CF Kids. Janice has been doing CrossFit for just over 8 months and has become the person to beat at CrossFit Bellevue. Janice has a "Fran" time of 3:30, "Helen" at 8:10 and "Grace" at 3:45. Janice does all this at a without even breaking the 100lb weight class