Morgan Hepfer
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Morgan writes: "At first I didn't want to submit an athlete profile because I thought my potential competitors would find a weakness to exploit during the Qualifier. Then I realized this was stupid. But I still wanted to be the dark horse, the guy you never expect to win. Then I realized even I don't expect to win. Also Laurie threatened to headbutt me in the face if I didn't get on it. So I covered my face in my picture to preserve an element of mystery.
I was introduced to Crossfit a few years ago while living in Thailand when a "friend" emailed me Angie. A week and a half later when I could raise my arms to the keyboard, I wrote back to say that I was hooked, but a link to would have been nicer.
After returning to America in July I opened Crossfit Tacoma where I live out my dream job of doing Crossfit all day and laughing at the funny sounds and faces people make. I'm looking forward to competing, I nearly broke my Bowflex and I've been putting in overtime on my elliptical. I just hope Israel doesn't wear the red pants. He's too fast in satin."